Navigating Your Interior Design Business: Choosing the Right Projects and Clients with Confidence


In the world of interior design, success isn't just about creating stunning spaces. Your success largely depends on the projects you choose, and whether or not they’re best for your business. No pressure, right? But let’s be honest, while we love designing, we’re also here to earn a profit. It’s imperative that you’re careful when selecting the right interior design projects. 


Choosing the right clients isn’t as hard as it sounds, as long as you’ve positioned yourself accordingly. Let’s dive into the importance of aligning with your passion for design and your business brain, so you can start accepting the right interior design projects.


Identify Your Own Expertise and Consider Your Goals

Imagine a world where every project is a mismatch, where your creative genius is stifled by clients who simply don't appreciate your vision. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, it's a reality that many interior designers face when they don't carefully select their projects and clients.


Only accepting the best interior design projects for your brand is like picking the right ingredients for a gourmet meal. It's the foundation of your masterpiece. Choosing the right clients ensures that they align with your expertise and style, you not only enhance your chances of creating exceptional designs, but you also make your job a whole lot more enjoyable. 


It’s also important that you prioritize your reputation as an interior designer, this will help you focus on choosing the right clients.  Your reputation is like fine china – it's fragile, and one crack can tarnish its beauty. Taking on interior design projects that don't align with your skills or interests can lead to less than stellar results, which can damage your reputation.


How to Position Yourself to Find the Right Interior Design Projects

It all sounds easy enough, right? But if there’s anything we really, really know as designers, it’s that things are always a little tougher than they sound. Choosing the best interior design projects for your own business is a challenge, but once you start on the right path, it just gets easier. Choosing the right clients is easier… and so is saying no to the wrong clients. 


Here’s exactly how you can start finding the right interior design projects to fit your design style and expertise:

Showcase Your Brilliant Portfolio

Think of your portfolio as a carefully curated art exhibition. Each project you choose to showcase should reflect your style, creativity, and expertise. A mismatched project that doesn't align with your brand can stick out like a sore thumb, diminishing the overall appeal of your portfolio.


In other words… just because you finished a projects doesn’t mean you have to share it. We all have those projects from our early days that we don’t exactly love- the good news is that you don’t have to share them. Focus on only the projects that you’re proud of and that you know your target audience will love, too. 

Let Your Passion Lead the Way

Remember when your parents told you to follow your dreams? Well, that advice is still golden, especially in the world of interior design. When you're passionate about a project, your creativity flows like a river in springtime. Your enthusiasm shines through in your work, and clients can sense it. This step is like a magnet for choosing the right clients.


Working on projects that align with your style and interests doesn't just make you a better designer; it makes you a happier one. And let's face it, happier designers are more fun to work with. Clients appreciate your enthusiasm and are more likely to trust your judgment when they see that you're genuinely excited about their project.


Imagine waking up every morning excited to tackle your next interior design project. That's the power of aligning your work with your passions. When you enjoy what you do, it's not just a job – it's a thrilling adventure.


Happiness and fulfillment in your work aren't just good for your mental health; they're great for your bottom line too. Clients can tell when you love what you do, and they're more likely to recommend you to others.

Evaluate Each Project Carefully

When you’re first starting out as a designer, it’s easy to feel like you have to say yes to every project… because how else are you going to make money? Just remember this… saying no to the wrong interior design projects leaves room in your calendar for the right ones. 


Before diving headfirst into a project, take a step back and assess whether it aligns with your expertise and style. Ask yourself: "Is this something I'm passionate about?" "Is this within my wheelhouse?" If the answers are yes, then you're off to a great start.


Even if a project aligns with your style and interests, you need to consider practicalities. Is the project's scope feasible within your capabilities? Can you meet the client's timeline and budget constraints without compromising quality? These are crucial questions to answer before making a decision in choosing the right clients. 


Once you've assessed the project from all angles, it's time to make a decision. If everything aligns – your expertise, style, scope, timeline, and budget – then it's a green light! However, if there are mismatches or red flags, it's okay to decline the project. Unsure of how to do that? Does the idea of saying no make you cringe? No worries, I have tips for that too, right here


The Right Clients are Waiting for You

The whole “if you build it, they will come” scenario is so true here. When you create an avenue for choosing the right clients, with all of the right pieces of the puzzle fitting together, your ideal clients will find you. It just takes one to get the ball rolling. 


Your branding, social media presence, systems and business plan are of course part of this, but those are all things I’m here to help you navigate, too. My program, The Interior Design Business Bakery is an intimate 12-month group coaching program where brilliant designers learn to take their business to the next level — no marketing or business degree required.


It’s time to bake your interior design cake & eat it too, babe. Join me in The Bakery and let those ideal clients start finding you!

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