The Business of Interior Design: Always Be Learning

So I’m sitting here at The Design Influencers Conference, formerly known as The Design Bloggers Conference. And ironically, I’ve learned that I’m not doing a great job creating my blog posts. Nor is my website well optimized for organic search. Oh yippee. There is always something to do or fix when you’re a business owner.
So I’m not going to try to “fix” what I haven’t been doing in this post. I’m pretty happy to get it written at all this week, considering I’m traveling and trying to keep up with all the conference content…and believe me, the speakers are rich.
I mean, really, if you’re an interior design enthusiast, you will recognize some of these names. And in addition to these rock stars, there are “every day” designers who have found some great success in various niches. These very approachable experts share their experiences with us from the same stage as the big names.
When you are a business owner, whether it is interior design or in another field, it’s important to continually learn new things. I’m guilty of often continuing my education mostly via books and digital products – and being a hermit in my own development. BUT getting out and meeting people is also key. Making connections and learning new things via actual conversations is invaluable. I’m really looking forward to continuing the conversations I started with the people I’ve met so far!
Speaking of meeting people, I really want to encourage you – no matter what field – to share ideas with others. Collaborating and comparing what you have found successful (or not) will not water down your success. YOU are YOU. And nobody else delivers your material the same way you do.
So. Back to the conference.
If you’re an interior designer / decorator or design blogger who has been wondering whether you should attend this event, so far I would definitely suggest it. It’s two days into the content and I think my money has been well spent. So even if the next day and a half suck, I’d still feel good about the trip.
I’m excited to be learning more about how influence is becoming prevalent in the design industry. There is always so much to keep up with. It can get overwhelming. Speaking of overwhelming, if you are an interior designer or decorator who is overwhelmed with the BUSINESS of interior design, check out the bite sized content I feed you HERE (via your inbox, I won’t actually be in front of you with a spoon).
Originally published The Business of Interior Design: Always Be Learning in 2019 by ML Interiors Group.