Welcome to design for the creative mind, a podcast for interior designers and creative entrepreneurs to run their business with purpose, efficiency and passion. Because while every design is different, the process should remain the same. Prepare yourself for some good conversations with amazing guests, a dash of Jesus and a touch of the woowoo and probably a swear word or two. If you're ready to stop trading your time for money and enjoy your interior design business. You are in the right place. I'm your host, Michelle Lynn.
Hello, everybody. Welcome back. I'm Michelle Lynn. And this is the podcast designed for the creative mind. I am looking forward to introducing you to our guest today. We've got a little bit of a back history to it, which was so much fun when she came across my email as a potential guest. I want to introduce to you, Audrey Faust. She is a business coach with over 25 years of experience as an accountant, and a fractional CFO. She specializes in empowering women, small business owners, so y'all are in the right place. If you're listening here, she combines her extensive financial expertise with certified neuro coaching techniques to help women entrepreneurs refine their mindset, and introduce new strategies for sustainable, profitable growth. Wow. Okay, so you've got both the left and the right side of the brain firing Audrey. That's amazing.
That's, I do that. Thank you. Yay.
Yes. So funny story, y'all. I met Audrey. Online zoom. We still haven't? No, we did meet in person. And, and James. And James is the pen James. It was so Cal Southern California. Right. Yeah. Trying to remember where we were. But we met back when I was trying to figure out how to how to put together this whole coaching option coaching service to my audience, and Audrey was doing the same thing for her audience. And we went through like this little cohort for six months or so.
It was three, I think it was three months. Yeah, we have three months to launch. Yes, yes.
Yes. Yes, it was crazy. So the interior design business bakery that I've finally landed at is like my third iteration of my coaching process. And Audrey, I know you have
gone on my third iteration too. So it's kind of funny. It
let's just call it metamorphosis, right? We're growing into the beautiful beings that that we were created to be. Okay, so tell me in a nutshell, what, how do you how do you what is neuro coaching techniques? What is that that's like taking your mindset and applying it to your financials?
So neuro coaching that I've been certified, and I use that piece to transform your money mindset. So first of all, most people say they have no money mindset issues. Right. But I have a little process that I go through a couple of questions that I asked, and I've had people there five questions I've had people say they have great money mindset, and have have gotten negative answers for every single five questions and are blown away. So that's kind of where like, I feel like everybody at some level, has some sort of money mindset. And what I learned in my certification is that we have 80,000 Thoughts 80,000 thoughts every single day? Not crazy. And 95% of those thoughts are run by our subconscious. And
aren't they also like repeat thoughts over and over and over again? Yes, but
most of those thoughts you don't There are running in the background. So our subconscious is kind of like the background noise in the back. And we don't even know what's in there, which is why I ask people those questions. And when we've we don't know what's in there because think about do we think about tying our shoes or brushing our teeth or all any of that right because it's in the subconscious. And the subconscious was formed before the age seven. That's why they say kids are like a sponge right? Because your brain is your conscious brain is not forming that form seconds. So you don't question things like Santa Claus. Oh, but once your conscious brain starts forming, then the logic comes in. So we bring with us, and we take with us the subconscious that was formed by the age seven. So whether it's our parents, or influential people who are in our lives when we were younger, right, we're carrying all this around on our subconscious. And we don't even know what's in there. So I always like to say you realistically have a seven year old running your business.
So scary because I have an almost six year old and I'm really just trying to think what you were talking about that I'm like, Oh, shit, do I have time to go and undo some of the damage that I've done? And then yeah, you're right. That would be like, my little seven year old Michelle running my business. That would be frightening. Yes, very frightening. Right. Okay, so you take that subconscious, like all the thoughts that we're thinking about our business, about money and so forth, and try to reprogram it?
Yes. So I teach you how to reprogram at first we identify what the blocks are, okay. And then I teach you how to reprogram. But even just being aware of what the blocks are, so, one of my blocks was my mom always said to me, I work hard for my money. And where that translated to, is making money as hard. Right? So I'll ask you, one or two questions here that they
got a really good production crew up, we need to edit this.
So I want you to answer the first thing that comes to your minds, okay. Without thinking about it, because that's our subconscious. Right. So making money is
easy, hard, hard, probably hard. Well, which
was the first word that came to your mind? Do you remember? Did it? Was it hard? Or was it easy? Well,
I don't know. What's another question about
saving money is hard.
Definitely hard. Yeah. I like to spend it. It's because I think part of so I think part of like, I think I was originally brought up that making money is hard. Because I think if I had to self diagnose, I've always been told that I have a good work ethic, or like, my work ethic is too good. So I, I always work more than I need to to meet that description of me that identity. Whereas to work as much like seriously, I've heard probably more than I need to and I make shit up to whatever really cursed a lot on this episode. Sorry. The back seat. I hope you're walking your dog right now. But I think I work more than I need to just to meet that identity. So that weird subconscious. Is that kind of what you talked about.
Exactly. So my my thing was, before I reprogrammed it was making money was hard. So I would burn myself out working so hard to make money. And once I reprogrammed that, then I was it became easier. And I could see it. So if you have something in your subconscious, or if you have, like a negative belief, there's a couple other questions. If you want the questions, I actually offer them for free. If you go to my website, you can download it audio. Okay,
good. So tell us what your website is. And then we're going to repeat it at the end.
Okay, Audrey Faust. consulting.com, pretty easy money. Audrey felt consulting.com. And you want to go to the free resources page. And that's where you'll find the audio, it tells you it gives you the questions, and it also tells you how to reprogram. Oh, I love that. But all of you know, sometimes there's five questions, I guess. And sometimes like I've had clients where they have positive answers to all of those five questions, but they know there's still something in there that they struggle with. So that's where we dive in more, those five questions or just something really, really easy. Then people can say, Oh, wow, let me work on this first. Like if you have something in your subconscious, you're going to sabotage yourself all the way or work burn yourself out. Like you think making work or making money is hard. You're gonna make it hard. Yeah, absolutely. Ryan loves to prove yourself right. So you're gonna burn yourself out doing
take that practical, like how do you integrate the mindset transformation itself with like, the other side of your brain the practical financial strategies like how do you do that? So that like for me, like to drive my growth and profitability, so I'm not sabotaging myself per se. So,
so yeah, so we work on the mindset first with my clients. Because I don't want anything in there that is going to clog or prevent them from being successful. Right. And a lot of times we get a quick win. I've had clients like my one client, Tiffany, she had making money as hard. Within our first couple sessions, she totally transformed that and 10 extra revenue in one month. Amazing. It was blown away. She didn't know it was there. But we identified it and saw it like she I mean, not everybody 10 axes. But I usually love to do this first, because that's where you're really gonna see the transformation happen.
Right? And then the roadblocks out of the way. Yeah.
Because, you know, we can talk strategy all day long. I love a quote from Bob Proctor says My success is 95% mindset. And I totally believe. So let's get all of the baggage out of the way first, and then we get into the strategy. And that's when they can really, and not that it doesn't come up again. Right? Yeah, constantly, I'm trained to really listen to every to their words. So if I hear something, I'm like, I'll call it out to them. We'll talk about it. And we'll figure out how to change that thought. But then we bring in the strategies. In the second phase I go into, we have what's called what I call prosperity blueprint. And in that blueprint, we look at all their numbers, right? And I help them identify, Okay, well, here's your revenue, here's all your expenses, you know, it's, it's kind of like a p&l or like, plus, but it has cash flow, and it has like, other things built into it. So we look at it. And a lot of people that come to work with me are either not paying themselves enough are not paying themselves at all, Tiffany, for one was one that wasn't paying yourself at all. And I was like, you know, she was she was starting her business fairly new. And she had savings that she was kind of living off of at that time. But she's, I know, I can't sustain this. But my savings is eventually going to disappear. So let's figure this out. And I was like, Okay, well, we looked at her blueprint. And we were like, Okay, well, it was in the negative in the end. So what are you going to do either gonna bring in more revenue? Or are you gonna cut your expenses? So there was really nothing that she wanted to cut? So work on the revenue. It's that simple. But when you get the clarity and see it on paper, like, that's where I see them the aha moments with most of
my client, because the numbers don't lie. Like that's black and white. Yeah, it is. So is, is that one of the most common struggles you see with your clients is that they're not paying themselves enough, or they're not paying themselves at all? Or what are some of the common struggles?
That's usually why they're coming to me. However, the most, a lot of times what I say is they're not charging, right? Yeah. Yeah, I say, Audience Yeah. Like, it's just like, the pricing is, okay, well, you have all these expenses, you have this team or whatever. And, like, where do you come in? And, you know, a lot of it is, you know, just talking to them about their worth and their value. And, you know, I do I know your audiences, interior designers, I have quite a few interior designers right now I'm working with, and I've seen the pricing, it's all over the place. On their needs. They
agree, y'all.
And they're, they're amazing, like, interior designers. And I'm like, an orange. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And you can and when you see it in the blueprint, they'll be like, Oh, my gosh, you might have to go out and get a job. If you're, you're not able to pay yourself and right. Yeah, you pay yourself what you can go make another job. And then so
sometimes it's like Starbucks would pay you better and you get I know, I know. It's Oh, that makes sense. So as I'm working with my, we call them bakers, my students my Baker's my clients. On the coaching side, do you find that there are misconceptions about money and finances that you generally come across? Yes,
yeah. Thanks for asking. So I think people are afraid to look at their numbers. Hmm. Because they don't understand.
Oh, so you don't want to see him?
I'm going to share a statistic with you that might change your mind, or nine to be 80% 80% more successful if you're looking at your numbers, or your financial statements every single month. Maybe percent, I believe
that navigate without a map. Yep. Or at least knowing where, you know, something that I've learned. And I've been, I joke that I don't like looking at my financials, I think sometimes I just, I know that I'm doing okay, so I don't need to stress about it. But then you get off track. But what I've learned is that looking at my financials shows me where I've been, so that I can look forward to where I want to go better. Yes. Is that how would you describe that? That that's,
that's exactly right. So what I work with my clients on the blueprint, we do, here's where you are now. And here's your goal, here's where you want to go. So we look at kind of both sides. And the numbers tell a story. And they don't lie. Right? Yeah, it's a story. I always say it can be a nightmare, or can be a fairy tale.
That's a good, yes. Tell your story so that you can change the next chapter.
Exactly. And if you're looking at your numbers, like at the end of the year, the story's over, oh, I can change anything at that point for that year. So we're, as you go along.
So do you meet with your clients? Like? So I think if I recall correctly, I read that you do you do fraction? Yeah. Obviously, this was how I introduced you. You do fractional CFO, do you do bookkeeping with your clients? Or do you just take the numbers that somebody else has generated and work with your clients on their planning and the review.
So I have two different sides to my business, I have the coaching side, and I have the fractional CFOs. The fractional CFO side is what I work with, I only work with multi seven figure businesses and I have a bookkeeping team. And I meet with my clients once a month, and we review the financials and my team does bookkeeping, and we, we do all the things we act as a remote accounting department. For my faulty seven figure businesses, where I wanted to make the change, which is kind of why I got into doing what I'm doing is to help the ones that aren't there, they're not at that multi seven figure there might be at the six figure or you know, trying to get this I've worked with people are just starting out too. So they like I want to get this right, I know I need to understand my numbers. I know I'm not making revenue. But I want to understand all of this because I'm great at Interior Design, I'm not great at numbers, right? Go to the numbers, what levers
to pull, and what buttons to push to get you where you want to go. And
last do that my clients have never gone to any kind of business school or any of that. So they like it makes sense that they don't, it just comes with business, the numbers comes with business, but nobody ever taught them. So I wanted to empower women around understanding the numbers, because even if you are up at that seven figures, you still need to know what those numbers are saying.
I can tell you just looking back when I am more involved, because you Nate, you called it when I'm more involved in my numbers. And I'm looking at them regularly and analyzing them and reviewing them. I make better decisions because I have more information apps instead of just going off the gut. So what
I do with the six figure businesses or there abouts is I teach them how to read their financials. I made sure they're set up in QuickBooks correctly, we create that blueprint. So they know like, here's where I am on, here's where I go. But you know, of course we work first we work on the money mindset, because that'll keep you from getting anywhere. Yeah,
because that can totally sabotage. I love that Audrey. It's because, you know, I do talk a lot about mindset. Or I believe in it. It's one of the things that we teach in the bakery. But the mindset about the financials, specifically, has a very unique power in its own right. Because without finance, like without good financials, you don't have a business. Firstly, a viable long term business,
you're and if you're not making a profit, you're basically working for free, you better just go out and go out and get a job, you'll make more money. Yeah,
that's so true. And, you know, having been in business for 16 years now, I think 15 or 16. Some of it was part time, some of it was doing more staging than design and so forth. You know, I've had some really shitty years.
And we all do, yeah, what's wrong with that?
Oh, and I want to make sure that the audience hears that is that it's not all rainbows and fairy dust or unicorns and whatnot. It's just, there are years that are really, really difficult. And I think that that part of it has to do with the mindset and the focus and what are you focusing on abundance? Or what's the other word abundance or scarcity?
Yeah. I try not to remember that word. Abundance. So yeah, that makes sense. If you're, if you're not paying attention, you don't know that you're sabotaging yourself. And
we all go into that scarcity mindset at times I even myself being a professional in this, like, I've gone into that scarcity mindset. And the difference with me is like, I'll realize and realize that I'm in it and be like, Okay, I need to flip the switch. How are we going to do this? And I'll start making a new monitor for myself, and just kind of and then I know immediately flips, but we all we all get there. Right? It's yeah, feature to have
it as part of being in business. Yeah, you have to have, like, I think the the muscle that we work the most has to be our mind and the ability to look past the difficult times. Imagine trying to bake a cake without a recipe, you kind of know what the ingredients are, but you don't know how to put it all together. After lots of hard work and trying different combinations, all you are left with is a sticky situation and a stomachache behave. Running an interior design business can feel exactly that same way. That is why I created the interior design business bakery. This is a program that teaches you how to bake your interior design business cake and eat it too. If you don't want to figure out the hard way, and you want guidance to follow a recipe that has already been vetted. Someone that has already been there and done it and will help you do it too. Then check out the year long mentorship and coaching program, the interior design business bakery. If your interior design business revenue is below 300,000. Or if you're struggling to make a profit and keep your sanity, this is the only program for you. You can find that information at designed for the creative mind.com forward slash business dash bakery. Check it out. You won't regret it
what is one of the mantras that you've given us
or what my favorite mantra and I'm not even I don't even know who to give credit to because I did steal it from somebody it might have been Bob Proctor it might have been thinking Grow Rich book. money flows to me easily and freely from multiple sources on a continuous basis. There it is.
Have you ever read Marianne Williamson?
Oh, yeah, like her too. Yeah,
that sounds like that could be her too. It
could be I don't know, I I have an audible subscription. And I'm constantly listening to.
That's awesome. Yes, I totally i Yes, I recognize that. That is a good one. Say it again. For those for those people in the back? Well, you say it again,
to our money flows to me easily on a continuous basis from multiple sources. I think I messed that up, but something like that.
You can even just stop there. And it's pretty good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And
I you know, if you go on my website and download the audio that has the questions, I also have 25 money mindset mantras that you can just practice and use and they're so powerful if you just need a quick fix to get out of that scarcity mindset.
I like that nicer. Another
little trick I recently learned, again, heard, yes. Is that the word need is to take the word need out of your vocabulary. I need to get a new client I need this or I need need is a scarcity word. Mm hmm. Instead, replace it with want. And one it's not a scarcity word I want to get client I want to earn this new job or whatever, you know, for your for for your audience. Like if you just simply replace the word need to once you're gonna flip there, you're scarcity just really quick. Like,
I'm trying to remember my daughter this weekend, mom, but that's what I want.
You know what we get to have what we want? Yeah, but as adults anyway, not necessarily
kid. Yeah, well, we both wanted ice cream. So I will say that we gave in.
You can practice with your daughter like, I need this. You don't need it or you want it or if you say you don't need that, you know That's probably some you know, you're also putting a conscious.
That's good. That's really good. Let's talk about the flip side a little bit about debt. Is it a bad thing is the good thing? Is it something to avoid? How should or how should we think about it? Because sometimes you have to have debt in order to continue moving your business forward. Yes.
Thanks for bringing that up, because I'm a big advocate of using debt to leverage your business. So does that mean 20 25% credit card debt interest now? Right, but I mean, several times when, okay, well, I really, really need to do this, but often what I do it like, I want to pay for a very high elite coach, I don't have the funds, I'll just go apply for a 0% credit card, because I want the pay in full disk up. Right, right. Right. Yes. Finance that way myself, you know. And so I like using debt to leverage, you know, your business, and I kind of got, I have what's called like, a 7% roll. So if it's 7% or less, whether it's on the personal or the business side, business side, you can even go a little higher, because you get to write off that interest. So you're saving in taxes. But 7% is kind of on the personal side, where if the interest rate is under 7%, like your mortgage, for instance, right, Joe? Wow. And yeah, these days, like they're getting up there. But
don't pay it off sooner if it's 7% or less,
yeah. Instead, what you want to do is save first. So I'm also a proponent of saving first, and, like, not pay off that student loan early not pay off that mortgage early, not pay off that kind of debt, because if you invest it in a mutual fund, you're gonna get a better return, you're gonna build your net worth. And actually, you know, whether it's business debt or personal debt, you're gonna build your credit score. So if you have a business, I always say it. I think there's a two year mark, if you have been in business for two years, most banks won't approve you. But down a line of credit, even if you don't need it, because you're building your business. Credit was totally different. And you're also it's there, if you have employees or team members that you need to pay. Like you can't, not not paying them, right? Yes. So anybody that is not just a solo, and it's just them on their own, you really should have a backup. So yeah, have a difficult season, or mom, Thor, kiddo, whatever. Yeah, there's something there to support you.
How much savings should so like for my business? I try to have at least six months in savings of overhead, just in general. Because ours, our business can be so high and low. What would you what do you suggest do do three months, nine months, a year, three years?
I actually, actually the only savings I have from my business is my tax savings account. Right? So like, you know, this is something I work on with my clients in the blueprint, too, we factor in the taxes, because that's not an expense. You don't see that, like if you've ever really good moms, you need to put money away. So you're not surprised. Right? Right. So, um, I use my line of credit for things like your saying, Oh, that makes sense, right? Oh, I would rather use the money to propel my business forward. Right, having that much in savings on the personal side. Instead of having a personal savings account, I put it in a Roth IRA. Right. So I'm not paying interest on the interest that the savings is making, because it's a retirement fund. And it's one of the best kept secrets, in my opinion, is the Roth IRA is you're not paying interest on the interest. Plus, you're not so I maxed that out first. So I do have another savings account. But it's just because I've built my net worth and I can't put any more in my Roth IRAs because the government will only let you put so much in exactly. But anyway, I would say save for your in those Roth IRAs first because that is something you can always have access to, even if you're under age, any of the principal amount that you put in You can always get it out without any penalties or anything, the only thing you can't take out is the growth, the interest. So it serves two purposes, it's saving you in taxes as this like back end savings account. And you can always access it versus a traditional IRA, or a simple IRA or like a SEP IRA, you would pay interest in penalties on that money that you'd write if you take out there. That's
interesting, that's a different way to look at it. Because I put a lot I put my savings into like, but it only gives 3% like a 3% savings, 4% savings or something like that. So that's a great idea is to go look at the Roth and see what that looks like, if combined with the line of credit. See, I love it. I like talking to interesting people, smart, interesting people on my podcast. But again,
it's also your comfort level, right? It's yes, we've all been to what what's going to make you sleep at night, this is how I function. It's not necessarily how everybody can function. You can't sleep at night, and unless you have six months savings in your account, then six months savings a year a cap. But
that's true, the big, because my husband and I are both very different in the way we have our security. Yes, from a financial standpoint. And that's, that's good advice is like what makes you feel comfortable. Whereas I'm I like, let me just let me just sit and marinate on this. Because that's an option that I hadn't thought about. And how does it feel? Yes. So that's, that's really interesting. I love that. So switching gears a little bit. But still, from a business standpoint, what is a risk that you've taken in your career? Andre, that's paid off. Oh, gosh. And then and then on the flip side, what is the risk in your career that you've taken that hasn't paid off? Or I don't say failed, but
that I was a big fan?
Yeah, maybe a painful lesson to learn?
Everybody fails? Oh, gosh, I'm trying to think of a good one I risks that I've taken. I mean, I've invested a lot in my professional development. Yeah, I mean, other than, you know, the team might now have like, that's my highest line item. But I kept myself to control. I do have a cap, like and I you know, I tell my clients who are just like me and want to invest all this in professional, because I think that's one of the most, you know, you know, we met through a professional development that has really grown me as a person and me as a business owner, like, substantially, I wouldn't be where I am today, if it hadn't invested in professional development the way I have.
Yeah. When you say professional development, are you talking about a business coach? Or find out?
I'm jumping accounting? Sorry. That's the line. Yes, coaches? Yeah. So I mean, I've invested in a lot of different coaches from, I started with a mindset coach, and then when we met was going through James Webb wars program, which was amazing. And then I went through the nerves certification program, which again, was amazing transfer. I've gone up and up and up every year, I'm always investing in some sort of coach. And I think they can really helped propel you forward. Like, in so many ways, I was had in the back of my mind, I wanted to write a book, so invested in a book coach, and and my mind was blown at what I didn't know. Right? And you don't know what you don't know. Unless somebody guide away, I would say that's probably one of the biggest things that I've learned and all the I invested in a voice coach, like, you mean, all kinds of things. So
what do you want to spend more time doing? What do I want to spend more time what in in personal or professional like, is there? Is there more? Do you want to spend more time coaching people? Do you want to spend more time taking a nap? Do you want to spend more time on vacation? Do you want to spend more time developing your processes, like if you like, what do you want to spend more time doing?
Interesting question. Okay. So as I said, I recently wrote a book, it then at publishing as we speak, that's it. Oh, thank you. And it's all around personal finance. I actually want to write another book around business finance now, though, that's coming. But I want to get the first one in print before I go to the second one. That's Yes, pasty. So I would say I really want to I'm on a personal mission to empower women. All around understanding their finances and really being successful. So when you understand your your finances, you know how to be successful. So that's, I want to spend more time just whether it's speaking, or being on podcasts like this, or, you know, where I can help educate women to be more successful because now they understand how it all works. They understand the finances.
So yeah, it's the passion behind what you're doing right now. 100%.
I can see it. You guys can't see it in her face. Because this is just audio, but it's there. I promise you. Okay, so speaking of books, what is a book that you would recommend? So first of all, we'll want to recommend yours. What is it called? And when does it come out? And then another one,
it'll come out in the fall, the current name is and I've been told that the publisher may change the name actually have a I have a meeting with a publisher this week. So I may find out what the name is going to be. But recurrent name is path to prosperity. Oh, women's guide to financial independence. That's good. Oh, that good. And it's all around personal finance and how I built my wealth from nothing, literally nothing to now I have a $2 million net worth over $2 million net worth.
Yes, and you own it. Like it's nothing to be it's nothing to be shy about or play small. Yes,
it took me a little while to get there so much stuff. That yeah, like everybody's afraid to talk about money or net worth or whatever. It's like taboo, right. So
But men don't. You're
exactly right. I mean, you think like, country clubs and poker games or whatever, like, but women for whatever reason, like, I've struggled with this. So you know, it's all about my women's empowerment men.
Gotta practice what you preach. Okay, so what book would you recommend? Oh, God, we
digress. Yeah, no, that's
okay. I mean, I can keep us on track here, honey, because I'm the one who takes us down bunny trails, oftentimes, but here we come back. Um, what book would you recommend? Whether it is it could be personal development, it could be fictional, like, like any book that comes to the top of your head?
Wow. I'm a personal, professional personal development junkie. So that's pretty much all I listen to. Yeah, I would say Think and Grow Rich is like one of my favorite books. I'm big on Law of Attraction books. Right now the law of attraction book from Hicks,
Abraham, it's not a happy pocket full of money. Is it?
Oh, that one's good, too. Is it now? No, it's it's it's called I think law of attraction. Oh,
Abraham Hicks, y'all. It's a good Yeah. Almost anything there? Yeah. If you're into
the whole, like, law of attraction, which I mean, I've only been into law of attraction, probably about when we met, you know, as you know, it, and I just started, like, I'm such a logical person, right. Like, because finances I've been doing finance for 25 years.
debit, credit and credit, debit credit. Yeah. Like,
and yeah, it says Law of Attraction stuff, you know, kind of poo pooed on it for the longest time. It's still until I actually started using it. And I was like, this does work. So why not add the law of attraction and everything else I've been doing and you know, only make you more successful. So.
But it's true, because it's the Universal Law of Balance. It goes back to debit and credit. You know, it's like, for every one action, you've got another reaction kind of in a different energetic field.
Yes. Yes. So yeah, right way to look at it. It's an
interesting take on it. And I love the fact that you are doing it with such a logical, yeah, so you've got the woowoo and the logical and you blend them and I love that combination is kind of like a Diet Coke with Snickers.
I believe whether you believe it or not, they're very like, the more I've looked into it, they're very connected. So I always say what you focus on grows. So if you're not focusing on your numbers, and you're not looking at that, that light is not going to grow. So think about it. If I tell you don't think about a red car,
Michelle. Oh, that's all you think about that's all you think about you
got a red car, boom, see it right in your mind. So like, if you're thinking about the money, like that's all about what's law of attraction, right? So that's what you're attracting because you're thinking about it and your minds like on it. So there's kind of a mind part of the law of attraction that I've realized and all these books that I'm listening to. That is logical. Well,
and if you think about this, you see on the news, like somebody had had an accident, and they're in their car, right? And they're like, on this plane dirt road, and they ran into the one tree that was on that dirt road, right? Yes. Because you're you're going into a slide and you're like, don't let me hit the tree. Don't let me hit the tree. Don't let me hit the tree, and boom, that's what you're gonna hit. Yeah. But if you're saying, Oh, let me aim over here. That's what let me get on. Get
on this road safely. Let me travel this road safely. Yeah, be another way to think about it versus you know,
don't let me hit the tree. Don't let me hit the tree. Yeah. So it is just a slight correction. Okay, last one, is there any piece of wisdom or advice that you would like to leave with the audience? Don't
be afraid of looking at your numbers. Don't be afraid of reaching out to somebody to help you understand them. And don't think that you go into business to do the thing that you love. And I know your clients are all around interior design, like you went into interior design, because you love it. And you're great about it, and you're passionate about it, right? You're a business owner, the numbers come with it. Nobody taught you anything about the numbers. So don't feel that you don't know about the numbers. Like, but here's my invitation to start looking at your numbers, start understanding them. start educating yourself around what they're saying. And don't be afraid to look at that. Because like they don't realize the numbers. They don't bite. Yeah.
I think that Yeah, it's true. That's really true. Well, Audrey, thank you so much. I know that our audiences loved everything you've shared. Tell. Let's go back. Tell them how they can connect with you.
Sure, Audrey Faust consulting? Is my website, Audrey Faust. consulting.com. I have a free resources page. There's a couple of good goodies on there. As I mentioned, there's the audio that has the questions. There's also a set of calculators that can help you calculate your words, help you decide whether or not to it like pay off the loan or or invest the money. Like there's a calculator. It's a bundle, yet three calculators and the other one is just, it's called investment inspiration. So it'll entice you to save more. Oh, gross.
Yes, it does make a difference. For sure. It does.
I want to go on. Oh, sorry. No,
that's a good social media,
social media, Instagram. Great with money. Please let me know if you connect with me on Instagram, where you heard about me reach out. They i i love to connect with my followers. I'm also great with money on Facebook. So. Okay, so
your what's your handle? Great. Much. Great with money? Yeah. Oh, that's a good, that's a good mantra, too. There you go. Well, I will make sure that those details are all listed in the show notes. For our audience to reference, Michelle. Absolutely. This has been so much fun. And if y'all are interested in getting plugged in, in a community that goes back to this personal development, but you're not ready to make a huge commitment, I want to introduce to you our sugar and spice society. It is a private community providing connection, learning and support so that you can rise in your interior design business and make some dough. It is a very low entry aspect. We meet on a regular basis. We have private podcast that we share, live monthly training. And then we have little micro course that you get in addition to that. It's called divine, your signature style. It's going to walk you through some vital marketing foundation exercises. And there's so much more y'all. So head over to my website. It's designed for the creative mind. And then under the coaching tab, check out sugar and spice society. It's just a monthly subscription. And it is it's painless, I promise and it will continue to elevate you. So I'll make sure that information is also in the show notes. So y'all make it a great day today. Choose to be great today and every day. And thank you, Audrey, it was so good to connect with you again.
Thanks, Michelle. I had lots of fun. Appreciate you having me on. All right,
y'all. Until next time, labia Mina. Wha Hey, y'all. If you love the show and find it useful, I would really appreciate it if you would share with your friends and followers. And if you like what you're hearing, want to put a face with a name and get even more business advice. Then join me in my Facebook group. The interior designers business Launchpad. Yeah, I know it's facebook. but just come on in for the training and then leave without scrolling your feet. It's fine. I promise you'll enjoy it. And finally, I hear it's good for business to get ratings on your podcast. So please drop yours on whatever platform you use to listen to this. We're all about community over competition. So let's work on elevating our industry, one designer at a time. See you next time.
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